Integrated, Embodied and Expressive

The Diamond Method

Private Sessions

Who is a Diamond Method Private For?

Anyone who wants...

Enhanced Physical Performance

If you want to increase flexibility, strength and coordination then a session can help you do that by releasing anything blocking your progress, such as an old injury or retained reflex.


Enhanced Mental Abilities

If you want increased focus and concentration enabling you to learn and remember exercises and choreography better, you can get "wired up" for that with various strategies. 


Enhanced Emotional Abilities

If fear and anxiety block your performance abilities, that can be changed through strategies other than simply more practice.   And the ability to connect to an audience can become available to you. 


What is a Diamond Method Private Session?

A private session (in person or online) with Mariah-Jane is your chance to tackle and eliminate your frustrations and remove any blocks you have for reaching your fullest potential with greater ease. 


What Type of Goals can be Achieved in a Diamond Method Private Session?

There are many types of Goals that can be achieved in a session. 
The skills achieved in a Diamond Method private session allow you "To Shine Under Pressure" meaning that these skills are STILL with you when in:
  • A Dance Competition
  • End of Year Recital/Show
  • Audition
  • Exam 
In order to spark you, here are some examples of goals and positive changes that can be successfully addressed in a Diamond Method private session:



  • The ability to find and use the often confusing and elusive "Core Support"
  • Develop full flexibility and strength required for pointe work, including lifting a fallen arch
  • Conquering hyperextended knees once and for all
  • Release of tension in the hips to allow for full rotation
  • Release the joints in the body and the holding patterns and tension that have been preventing achieving full flexibility and extensions
  • Improved balance through greater strength, sensitivity and control on flat and demi-pointe (and full pointe if relevant)
  • Discovery of an nice and easy ballon with jumps and increased elevation


  • Quicker learning of exercises in class, including free enchainments.
  • Quicker learning of choreography and improved retention class to class
  • Easier understanding of what a teacher is asking for you to do, from spatial awareness to processing of an image given
  • Ability to put the pieces together to truly understand your body and all the parts that go into and fit together for good technique


  • Elimination of Anxiety in performing, leaving only the good nerves
  • Removal of blocks that have been preventing you from feeling safe enough to be vulnerable and truly perform with an open heart
  • Ability to use facial expression while performing, including eye contract with the audience and fellow dancers
  • Ability to have connection to your inner motivation and commitment to your progress


What Takes Place in a Private Session? 



After Basic Introductions are made, the first part of the session will be all about getting to know YOU, what you need and how Mariah-Jane can help you. 


Reason for a Session

Please come prepared to share fully the various challenges you are facing that had you decide to book a private session.   To ensure you remember all the possibly relevant pieces, it is suggested for you to make a few notes before the session.


Background and Context Given

You will be asked to share all relevant background, about your dance history, school history and over all mind and body history.  It is useful to know if you were born early, on time, or late as well as how the birth process actually took place.

As we go through a session, it is very likely that more and more details will be filled in, as questions are asked.


Your Brain Profile

You will be lead through a quick series of movement tests to determine your what is called your Dominance Profile.  This is how your brain is wired to respond when under stress or with new learning.

This profile will help to inform you of where your challenges are and what strategies you can do to manage these challenges. 


Body Map

You will be sent a Body Map picture for you to make marks on.

Have a think about all the various injuries (big and small) that you have had, as well as more severe illness and any surgeries (including dental).

Mark these on the body map, and make note of age if you happen to remember. 


Goal(s) for the Session

After painting a complete picture of where you are now, we will discuss where you want to go.  What physical, mental or emotional goals do you have.

For example: Higher extensions, better balance and spotting

Less nerves and anxiety when performing

Greater ability to emotional connect and be vulnerable on stage


Applied Kinesiology Principles Shared

If online, some tools for checking in with the body will taught to the student and parent (if applicable).


Strategy Selection

Just like choosing off a menu, together we will discover what your body and brain need to move toward achieving your goal.


Actions and Activities

In Brain Gym, the actual doing of the movements and protocols, is called the Learning Menu.   Why? Because the brain-body is learning something new!

This is the part where you will be given certain things to either Actively do or sometimes Passively receive.


Progress Check

We will return to your Goal and see how the session is going to wiring you up for Success!

We will add more actions and activities until your Goal is REACHED!


Acknowledge and Plan

Now is the time to acknowledge what as been accomplished and make a plan for what to do at home to continue to support and deepen the changes.  

We will also assess what steps may be next and what timeline is most appropriate. 



No session is complete without taking a few moments to celebrate the positive changes that have been made. 

Brain Gym & Educational Kinesiology 

Utilizing a large "learning menu" of movements, Brain Gym is designed to help wire you up for success due to having an Integrated Brain State, both for your Goal and in LIFE!

With an Integrated Brain you will now operate from a Whole Brain State.

All 3 Dimensions of the brain and therefore the body are working in concert for us to reach our full potential and have access to all of our skills in a non stressed pattern


Brain linkages correspond to the 3 dimensions of the body in the following ways:


1) Side to Side: Laterality Dimension: Related to our Coordination and Processing of our Environment

Linkage across the corpus callosum connecting Right and Left Hemispheres

2) Top to Bottom/Centering Dimension: Related to our Emotional Processing and Balance

Linkage between the Limbic System and the Cerebral Cortex

3) Back to Front/Focus Dimension: Related to our ability to Focus and fully Participate

Linkage between the Brain Stem and the Pre-frontal Cortex



Injury Release Method

The body, and in particular, the nervous system, remembers when there was an injury.  This memory causes a block in the area which is why an injury site is so often continually re-injured.  Also, an injury site still holding the trauma will not be able to gain sensitivity, proprioception and strength. 

In a single session multiple injury sites can be released of trauma, bringing back flexibility throughout the whole body. 

If you have ever sprained your ankle, then this is an essential piece to your healing and return of balance and ballon. 

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How Might a Private Session Work for YOU?

Read about Professional Dancer and Teacher, Caitlin and her experience and the positive changes made in just ONE session.  

I was so excited to book a session with Mariah-Jane after attending some of her in person and online workshops that I found so valuable. 

After just one private session I've experienced a remarkable shift in the calm and stability I now feel while on stage and high pressure situations.

 As a dancer, back bending, telling rights from lefts and navigating stage lights all used to be terribly stressful for me. Mariah-Jane addressed all of these in our single session.  I now find going into the backspace, clarity of direction, and keeping calm in the lights to be not just safe but FUN things to do!

As a teacher, I've been able to stay much calmer and to create a much better classroom experience for my students too.  I notice greater strides in their learning and I have much more energy and focus on my longer days. 

I continue to be floored and grateful daily for what’s transpired since our session together.  Thank you Mariah-Jane!



Frequently Asked Questions


How long is a session?

First Session: 90 minutes, as there is a lot of foundation and context to build.
Following Sessions can be 1 hour


What is the Cost?

$95 USD per hour
Paid via Paypal


How often will I need a Session? 

It all depends on 2 things:
  1. Your Goal(s)
  2. How fast your brain and nervous system can adjust to and process change
  A single goal can be taken care of in a single session.
However, if there are numerous reflexes that need to be matured, typically only one reflex is addressed per session so as to not overwhelm the nervous system.  Doing too much at one time will defeat the purpose entirely!
And, if you were given home movements to do, and you do them as recommended, your progress will be much quicker.
Generally session are spaced out 10-14 days to allow time for the brain to process and integrate the new learning and changes. 


How do I Book a Session?

Simply fill in the contact form below.  I do not have a Calendly sign up link because I am travelling across numerous time zones.  it is easier to simply easier to email and connect. 

Upon submitting a request, you will be put on the waitlist and the just as soon as I have time to slot you in that will happen.  Waits are rarely longer than 10 days, unless I am actively travelling and teaching workshops. 


Want to have a Private Session?

Fill in the Contact Form Below and we will find a time to work together.