Real Learning & Peak Performance CAN Happen for ALL Students
Brain Integration is Addressed

Have your Questions Answered
and your
Frustrations Eliminated

The Missing Link in Dance Training:
Brain Integration
This course introduces you to the Future of Dance Training!
It is time for dancers and teachers to address both the:
- Learning State
- Performance State
What is the difference between these two and what is the Brain State that supports either real learning and peak performance?
Enjoy a course that progressively explains what Brain Integration is and how it supports both the Learning State and the Performance State.
It will become quite evident that this material is important for all dancers and teachers to include in their training and pre-performance preparation.
This course will give you the Foundation of the pioneering work of The Radiant Dancer/Dance Teacher.
The 3 Pillars of The Radiant Dancer are:
- Integrated
- Embodied
- Expressive
Having an Integrated Brain is the foundation needed to build Embodiment. And without both Integration and Embodiment, dancers will be unable to be fully Expressive.
Many dance teachers spend copious amounts of time working to encourage students to develop their Performance Skills such as dynamics and presentation. The lack of motivation and commit in so many students of today is common source of frustration that drains the energy and love of teaching of even the most seasoned dance teachers.
By addressing the Brain State as an additional new warm up to start class, the joy of teaching can return!

"This work is new and important and could positively affect thousands of dancers to reach their potential beyond the studio and share with the public on stage. It is deserving of international recognition."
Kelly Douglas
ARAD, RAD Examiner
It is time to Enjoy ALL Aspects of Training Dancers

Have you ever wondered why you have some good days and some bad days teaching?
Are you confused about how to reach the students who seem so unmotivated?
Do you question how to manage the chronic stress of inconsistent students and performances.

Does all your hard work and dedication often seem to fall on deaf ears?
Does your heart break with your students when you see them under perform on stage or in an exam?
Does the career you love not bring you the rewards you had hoped for anymore?

Do the students of today seem harder to teach than in past years?
Do you struggle to encourage students to be responsible, respectful and committed to their training and their fellow dancers?
Do exams and competitions simply drain you instead of excite you?
The Answer to your Questions and Frustrations:
The Difference between an Integrated and Un-Integrated Brain State

Course Content Overview

The Triune Brain Model
Discover the priorities of the brain and how this effects the ability to be in a state of true learning. This is based on the Triune Brain Model: Reptilian Brain, Mammalian Brain and the Neo-Cortex.

Brain Dominance Pattern
Discover YOUR Brain Dominance Pattern: Eye, Ear, Arm, Leg and Brain Hemisphere and WHY it is important to know for your own learning and stress response. Also dig in to how this affects your students ability to learn, process and remember.

Learning Cycle and the Brain
Learn how an Integrated Brain goes through the Learning Cycle from "Getting it" to "Got it" and how the Un-Integrated Brain gets trapped in either "I'm Trying" or "I Give Up!".

Strategies and Tools
Discover new class planning protocols and content and exercise construction ideas that will promote a real learning environment for students of all ages.

Elimination of Frustration and Confusion
By implementing new understandings and skills for the creation of a learning environment, return to the joy of teaching dance eliminating the stress.

Lifetime Access and Community
Connect with other like minded teachers from around the world as you all work to implement new ideas and strategies.
The Environment for the Learning
While teachers are not able to manage the thoughts of the students, the environment in the studio can be created to promote positive thinking and only healthy grow stress.
This course will introduce the various elements that go into creating a the "right" environment that will be both pleasing to the teachers and the students. And bonus, it will also be pleasing for the parents!